需要高质量的面部图像来保证在监视和安全场景中自动识别系统(FR)系统的稳定性和可靠性。但是,由于传输或存储的限制,在分析之前,通常会压缩大量的面部数据。压缩图像可能会失去强大的身份信息,从而导致FR系统的性能降低。在此,我们首次尝试研究FR系统的明显差异(JND),可以将其定义为FR系统无法注意到的最大失真。更具体地说,我们建立了一个JND数据集,其中包括3530个原始图像和137,670个由高级参考编码/解码软件生成的压缩图像,该图像基于多功能视频编码(VVC)标准(VTM-15.0)。随后,我们开发了一种新型的JND预测模型,以直接推断FR系统的JND图像。特别是,为了最大程度地删除冗余性,在不损害鲁棒身份信息的情况下,我们将编码器应用于多个功能提取和基于注意力的特征分解模块,以将面部特征逐渐分解为两个不相关的组件,即身份和残差特征,通过自我 - 监督学习。然后,剩余特征被馈入解码器以生成残差图。最后,通过从原始图像中减去残差图来获得预测的JND映射。实验结果表明,与最先进的JND模型相比,所提出的模型可以实现JND MAP预测的更高准确性,并且能够在维持FR系统的性能的同时保存更多的位置,而与VTM-15.0相比。
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在本文中,提出了一种基于高动态范围(HDR)图像的频率差异的新颖有效的图像质量评估(IQA)算法,称为基于局部全球频率特征模型(LGFM)。由假设人类视觉系统高度适应于在感知视觉场景时提取结构信息和部分频率的动机,Gabor和Butterworth滤镜分别用于HDR图像的亮度,分别提取本地和全局频率特征。相似性测量和特征池在频率特征上依次执行,以获得预测的质量评分。在四个广泛使用的基准上评估的实验表明,与最先进的HDR IQA方法相比,所提出的LGFM可以提供更高的主观感知一致性。我们的代码可在:\ url {https://github.com/eezkni/lgfm}中获得。
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摆脱拟合配对训练数据的基本限制,最近无监督的低光增强方法在调整图像的照明和对比度方面表现出色。但是,对于无监督的低光增强,由于缺乏对详细信号的监督而导致的剩余噪声抑制问题在很大程度上阻碍了这些方法在现实世界应用中的广泛部署。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的自行车相互作用生成对抗网络(CIGAN),以实现无监督的低光图像增强,它不仅能够更好地在低/正常光图像之间更好地传输照明分布,还可以操纵两个域之间的详细信号,例如。 ,在环状增强/降解过程中抑制/合成逼真的噪声。特别是,提出的低光引导转换馈送馈送从增强gan(Egan)发电机的低光图像的特征到降解GAN(DGAN)的发生器。借助真正的弱光图像的信息,DGAN可以在低光图像中综合更逼真的不同照明和对比度。此外,DGAN中的特征随机扰动模块学会了增加特征随机性以产生各种特征分布,从而说服了合成的低光图像以包含逼真的噪声。广泛的实验既证明了所提出的方法的优越性,又证明了每个模块在CIGAN中的有效性。
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The surrogate loss of variational autoencoders (VAEs) poses various challenges to their training, inducing the imbalance between task fitting and representation inference. To avert this, the existing strategies for VAEs focus on adjusting the tradeoff by introducing hyperparameters, deriving a tighter bound under some mild assumptions, or decomposing the loss components per certain neural settings. VAEs still suffer from uncertain tradeoff learning.We propose a novel evolutionary variational autoencoder (eVAE) building on the variational information bottleneck (VIB) theory and integrative evolutionary neural learning. eVAE integrates a variational genetic algorithm into VAE with variational evolutionary operators including variational mutation, crossover, and evolution. Its inner-outer-joint training mechanism synergistically and dynamically generates and updates the uncertain tradeoff learning in the evidence lower bound (ELBO) without additional constraints. Apart from learning a lossy compression and representation of data under the VIB assumption, eVAE presents an evolutionary paradigm to tune critical factors of VAEs and deep neural networks and addresses the premature convergence and random search problem by integrating evolutionary optimization into deep learning. Experiments show that eVAE addresses the KL-vanishing problem for text generation with low reconstruction loss, generates all disentangled factors with sharp images, and improves the image generation quality,respectively. eVAE achieves better reconstruction loss, disentanglement, and generation-inference balance than its competitors.
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A storyboard is a roadmap for video creation which consists of shot-by-shot images to visualize key plots in a text synopsis. Creating video storyboards however remains challenging which not only requires association between high-level texts and images, but also demands for long-term reasoning to make transitions smooth across shots. In this paper, we propose a new task called Text synopsis to Video Storyboard (TeViS) which aims to retrieve an ordered sequence of images to visualize the text synopsis. We construct a MovieNet-TeViS benchmark based on the public MovieNet dataset. It contains 10K text synopses each paired with keyframes that are manually selected from corresponding movies by considering both relevance and cinematic coherence. We also present an encoder-decoder baseline for the task. The model uses a pretrained vision-and-language model to improve high-level text-image matching. To improve coherence in long-term shots, we further propose to pre-train the decoder on large-scale movie frames without text. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model significantly outperforms other models to create text-relevant and coherent storyboards. Nevertheless, there is still a large gap compared to human performance suggesting room for promising future work.
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Cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (c-MARL) is widely applied in safety-critical scenarios, thus the analysis of robustness for c-MARL models is profoundly important. However, robustness certification for c-MARLs has not yet been explored in the community. In this paper, we propose a novel certification method, which is the first work to leverage a scalable approach for c-MARLs to determine actions with guaranteed certified bounds. c-MARL certification poses two key challenges compared with single-agent systems: (i) the accumulated uncertainty as the number of agents increases; (ii) the potential lack of impact when changing the action of a single agent into a global team reward. These challenges prevent us from directly using existing algorithms. Hence, we employ the false discovery rate (FDR) controlling procedure considering the importance of each agent to certify per-state robustness and propose a tree-search-based algorithm to find a lower bound of the global reward under the minimal certified perturbation. As our method is general, it can also be applied in single-agent environments. We empirically show that our certification bounds are much tighter than state-of-the-art RL certification solutions. We also run experiments on two popular c-MARL algorithms: QMIX and VDN, in two different environments, with two and four agents. The experimental results show that our method produces meaningful guaranteed robustness for all models and environments. Our tool CertifyCMARL is available at https://github.com/TrustAI/CertifyCMA
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We present Hybrid Infused Reranking for Passages Retrieval (HYRR), a framework for training rerankers based on a hybrid of BM25 and neural retrieval models. Retrievers based on hybrid models have been shown to outperform both BM25 and neural models alone. Our approach exploits this improved performance when training a reranker, leading to a robust reranking model. The reranker, a cross-attention neural model, is shown to be robust to different first-stage retrieval systems, achieving better performance than rerankers simply trained upon the first-stage retrievers in the multi-stage systems. We present evaluations on a supervised passage retrieval task using MS MARCO and zero-shot retrieval tasks using BEIR. The empirical results show strong performance on both evaluations.
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Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) prediction is an essential issue in the molecular field. Traditional methods of observing DDIs in medical experiments require plenty of resources and labor. In this paper, we present a computational model dubbed MedKGQA based on Graph Neural Networks to automatically predict the DDIs after reading multiple medical documents in the form of multi-hop machine reading comprehension. We introduced a knowledge fusion system to obtain the complete nature of drugs and proteins and exploited a graph reasoning system to infer the drugs and proteins contained in the documents. Our model significantly improves the performance compared to previous state-of-the-art models on the QANGAROO MedHop dataset, which obtained a 4.5% improvement in terms of DDIs prediction accuracy.
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Evaluating automatically-generated text summaries is a challenging task. While there have been many interesting approaches, they still fall short of human evaluations. We present RISE, a new approach for evaluating summaries by leveraging techniques from information retrieval. RISE is first trained as a retrieval task using a dual-encoder retrieval setup, and can then be subsequently utilized for evaluating a generated summary given an input document, without gold reference summaries. RISE is especially well suited when working on new datasets where one may not have reference summaries available for evaluation. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the SummEval benchmark (Fabbri et al., 2021) and the results show that RISE has higher correlation with human evaluations compared to many past approaches to summarization evaluation. Furthermore, RISE also demonstrates data-efficiency and generalizability across languages.
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